Cosmetic Dentistry – Southridge Dental Cosmetic Dentistry – Southridge Dental Cosmetic Dentistry – Southridge Dental

Hypnotized yet?! No need, we’re already the LEADERS in Cosmetic Dentistry Which Cosmetic Dentistry Options are Right for You? Here at Southridge Dental, we pride ourselves in being the leaders in the advancements and application of cosmetic dentistry to allow us the expertise in creating the most beautiful white smiles our patients for our patients. From Subtle […]
Use Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire

Schedule Your Dental Exam Before the End of the Year so You Don’t Waste your Dental Benefits As the year draws closer and closer to its end, many celebrationsand much excitement come to mind. Many of us enjoy this time ofyear for the holidays, some for the smorgasbord of foods, and somefor the beautiful winter […]
What is an Abscess Tooth, And How Do I Prevent It?

Don’t let fear take your tooth If you hit this point, you’ve gone too far! From someone who has unfortunately had firsthand experience, reaching the point where a dental abscess develops is a place you do not want to go. If you’re paying enough attention to your teeth while also practicing due diligence regarding your […]
How to Get a Whiter Smile at Home!

How to Get and Keep a Bright White Smile at Home and at the Dentist Safe and Quick Teeth Whitening Options at Home and at the Dentist Like the Sun, Your Teeth and Smile Should Always Shine! Let us be honest with ourselves, even after braces or invisible guards, perfectly straight teeth are no longer […]
How do I Know if I Need a Root Canal?

Don’t let fear take your tooth, there are many ways to know if and when you need a root canal In terms of teeth, what comes to mind when you hear, “HE WHO SHOULD NOT BE NAMED…” You’re exactly right, it’s the dreaded ROOT CANAL! For most people, finding out they need to have a […]
Benefits to Getting Dental Implants

Make it, even if you have to faux it What is the first thing you think of when you hear, “Smile!” Did your mind go to simply take a picture? Or did you immediately think, “Oh no! I don’t want to show my teeth!” Often, dental offices and their dentists get the blame for tooth […]
Do you have sensitive teeth? Here are some tips on caring for them!

There are very few things I can think of that are more frightening than taking a big sip of ice-cold water then feeling an intensely sharp pain in your teeth. As you sit there with your mouth open trying to breathe or clench your jaw to try and bring some relief, remember there are several […]
What To Look For When You’re Choosing A Dental Office

How many times can you remember feeling a toothache or pain, then thinking, if I rinse my mouth out or brush my teeth, everything will be fine, and I won’t have to go see a dentist… That is called dental anxiety and is estimated to affect more than one-third of the population, including 12% suffering […]
Why it’s Important to Get Your Teeth Cleaned Regularly

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning and see those little shades of off-white/yellow lines starting to build at the base of your gums..? I imagine you are anymore ecstatic about seeing that than we are! Thankfully for us all, we dentists are here to continuously discover the most advanced and […]
To Pull the Tooth or To Save the Tooth? That is the question!

Tips on Understanding the Difference There is nothing like that rush of pure excitement as a young child the first time you notice that first loose baby tooth! This moment is followed by an unbreakable urge to rush to your parents or friends and explode in rambling words explaining how it feels! Ahh good memories. […]